来源:整理 编辑:五合装修 2023-06-20 12:42:42
“北京市朝阳区西坝河西里”"Beijing city in Chaoyang District hexi"Xili, Xibahe, Chaoyang District, Beijing Cityxibahe xili,chaoyang district,beijingWe did a survey on its importance.
丝绸之路最初是指汉唐时期中国丝绸西运的一条主要途径。从时间上来说,丝绸之路上起两汉,下止清朝末期,跨度长达2000年左右;从空间上来说,丝绸之路东起中国,西至古罗马,长度达到7000多公里。丝绸之路极大地促进了东西方经济、文化的交流。据专家考证,早在公元前4世纪,我国的丝织品就先后传入了印度及地中海沿岸的希腊等国。公元前2世纪西汉张骞正式出使西域后,我国与西域各国的商路得到了进一步拓展,逐渐形成了由洛阳出发,过长安,穿越河西走廊和塔里木盆地,跨越葱岭,经过中亚,或南下印度,或西往伊朗、叙利亚,直达地中海东岸的一条横贯亚欧大陆的陆上交通线,这也就是人们常说的“丝绸之路”。关于丝绸之路的形成: the silk road: the silk road dates back to the 2nd century b.c. when zhang qian went on a business trip to the western countries following this trade thoroughfare linking asia and europe. originating from changan , the route traveled through shaanxi province, the hexi corridor in gansu province, xinjiang, afghanistan, iran, iraq and syria, ending at the eastern shores of the mediterranean. more than 4000 of its 7000 kilometers were in china. because chinas silk reached the west along this road, european scholars came to call it the “ silk road”.
把整数部分 与小数部分 分开 看;
整数 除以4,取余数的逆序数 得 130;
小数部分乘以4,取首位得到 0.21
结果为 130.21恕小弟无知,有四进制么。小弟只知道十六,十,八,二进制。思路:先将键盘接收的16进制数转换为2进制,然后由2进制转换为10进制提示:键盘接收时可接收0-ffffh之间的任意数且可循环转换,比如要将12H转换为十进制,只需输入12然后回车即可,其它数同上,当然也包括你说的指定的四位16进制数code segmentmain proc far assume cs:codestart: call hexibin ;16-2 call crlf ;换行 call binidec ;2-10 call crlf jmp main ;get next input retmain endphexibin proc near mov bx,0 ;clear BX for numbernewchar: mov ah,01h ;keyboard input int 21h ;call DOS sub al,30h ;ASCII to binary jl exit ;jump if<0 cmp al,10d ;is it > 9d jl add_to ;yes,so its digit ;not digit(0-9),may be letter(a to f) sub al,27h ;convert ASCII to binary cmp al,0ah ;is it <0a hex? jl exit ;yes,not letter cmp al,10h ;is it > 0f hex? jge exit ;yes,not letter ;is hex digit,add to number in BXadd_to: mov cl,4 shl bx,cl mov ah,0 add bx,ax jmp newcharexit: rethexibin endpbinidec proc near mov cx,10000d call dec_div mov cx,1000d call dec_div mov cx,100d call dec_div mov cx,10d call dec_div mov cx,1d call dec_div retdec_div proc near mov ax,bx ;number low half mov dx,0 ;zero out high half div cx mov bx,dx ;remainder into BX mov dl,al ;quotient into DL ;print the contents of DL on screen add dl,30h ;convert to ASCII mov ah,02h int 21h retdec_div endpbinidec endpcrlf proc near mov dl,0ah mov ah,02h int 21h mov dl,0dh mov ah,02h int 21h retcrlf endpcode ends end start
中复 连众 叶片 树脂 hexion
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