1,星露谷物语lewis喜好介绍 lewis在哪

搬运一下:刘易斯头像  生日:春季 7  住址:镇长的住宅  最爱:糖渍山药;秋日盛享;辣椒  喜欢:椰子;仙人掌果;蓝莓;意大利面;玉米;披萨;果酱  中立:鸭蛋  讨厌:所有奶类;黏土  厌恶:石头;石英;罂粟

星露谷物语lewis喜好介绍 lewis在哪

2,black hole的英文解释

black hole:An area of space-time with a quantum singularity at its center. The singularity has a theoretically infinite mass, making it impossible for even light to escape. Around the singularity is an Event-Horizon. This is also known as the point of no return because it is the critical area that light can no longer escape from, and time itself comes to an end, or is at the same time ad-infinitum. Much work has been done on this subject by Stephen Hawking.

black hole的英文解释

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