
冬天,这四季中最没有生气的一个季节,给人的感觉是无边无垠的白,雪花铺天盖地,席卷而来,仅仅能为这枯萎的冬天增添几分绿色的松柏,此时也被盖上了厚厚的雪被。 夏天的那些花儿们,此时也只剩下了枯枝烂叶。不再有了往日的娇艳,不再有了往日的富贵,不再有了往日了神气,他们那仅剩下的矮小的枝,也在雪被的压力下累得直喘粗气,只能悲哀的等待着死神的到来。 而此时,就在这漫天遍野的雪中,就在这万物的哀叹声中,梅花出现了,就在这雪地中傲然挺立着。她那高而细的枝干,丝毫受不到风雪的影响。傲雪临霜。在风雪中怒放,充满了豪情,挺立着,挺立着,任凭风雪的吹打…… 这就是我喜爱梅花的原因,坚强不屈。虽然冬天是那样的寒冷,以至于人们都懒得出门,然而梅花却在风雪中开着那小小的花,而这小小的花,所象征的精神,却远比那夏天中艳丽多彩的玫瑰,月季,牡丹高尚的多。



蒲公英 别称“黄花地丁”。菊科。多年生草本,全株含有白色乳汁。根垂直。叶莲座状平铺,匙形或狭长倒卵形,边缘羽状浅裂或齿裂。冬末春初抽花茎,顶端生一头状花序,开黄色舌状花。果实成熟时形似一白色绒球,有毛的果实可随风飞散。分布于我国华东、华北、东北等地;朝鲜、苏联也产。为常见的野生植物。中医学上以全草入药,性寒、味甘苦,功能清热解毒,主治乳痈肿痛、疔毒等症。现用治咽炎、急性扁桃体炎等。 叶基生,长圆状倒披针形,长5~15cm,宽2~3.5cm。头状花序单一,顶生,总苞钟形;总苞片多层;花全为舌状花,两性,花冠黄色;雄蕊5,花药合生;子房下位,花柱细长,柱头2裂成条形。瘦果长4~5mn。有纵棱及多数刺状突起,顶端具长喙;冠毛白色。花期4~5月,果期6~7。 花语 无法停留的爱
在我所有的养的花草中,我还是最喜欢迷迭香~它能帮助改善许多毛病,什么防止痴呆啊,增强记忆力啊,减肥,提神啊,促进血液循环啊等等,香味不是太浓郁但是很清新,放在室内对健康很好,开的是蓝色的花噢~ 你买一盆看看,挺便宜的~



植物(Plants)是生物界中的一大类。一般有叶绿素,没有神经,没有感觉。分藻类、菌类、蕨类和种子植物,种子植物又分为裸子植物和被子植物还有蕨类植物、苔藓植物、藻类植物。有30多万种。   随着阳光巴士《DIY植物宠物店创业方案》的推出,植物也可以做为宠物。经过高科技培育、诱化的新品种植物也相继产生,如手指般大小的玫瑰,能长出不同字的植物幼苗,这些新的植物品种这在我们身边诞生。成为人们喜爱的生活随身宠物。   起源   植物距今二十五亿年前(元古代),地球史上最早出现的植物属于菌类和藻类,其后藻类一度非常繁盛。直到四亿三千八百万年前(志留纪) ,绿藻摆脱了水域环境的束缚,首次登陆大地,进化为蕨类植物 ,为大地首次添上绿装。三亿六千万年前(石炭纪),蕨类植物绝种,代之而起是石松类、楔叶类、真蕨类和种子蕨类,形成沼泽森林。古生代盛产的主要植物于二亿四千八百万年前(三叠纪)几乎全部灭绝,而裸子植物开始兴起,进化出花粉管,并完全摆脱对水的依赖,形成茂密的森林。一亿四千五百万年前(白垩纪) 被子植物(有花植物)开始出现,于晚期迅速发展,代替了裸子植物,形成延续至今的被子植物时代。现代类型的松、柏,甚至像水杉、红杉等,都是在这时期产生的。 编辑本段特点   植物具有光合作用的能力——就是说它可以借助光能及动物体内所不具备的叶绿素,利用水、矿物质和二氧化碳生产食物。释放氧气后,剩下葡萄糖——含有丰富能量的物质,作为植物细胞的组成部分。   植物的叶绿素含有镁。   植物有明显的细胞壁和细胞核,其细胞壁由葡萄糖聚合物——纤维素构成。   所有植物的祖先都是单细胞非光合生物,它们吞食了光合细菌,二者形成一种互利关系:光合细菌生存在植物细胞内(即所谓的内共生现象)。最后细菌蜕变成叶绿体,它是一种在所有植物体内都存在却不能独立生存的细胞器。   植物通常是不运动的,因为它们不需要寻找食物。   大多数植物都属于被子植物门,是有花植物,其中还包括多种树木。



Flowers Flowers are one of the most beautiful things that God has made.They come in many colours - like red,pink,yellow,white,orange and purple. Some flowers like the sunflower and dahlia are big,while some like the phlox and morning glory are small.Most flowers have a sweet smell.I like the smell of rose and jasmine very much. Flowers add colour and beauty to our lives.In the winter,gardens and parks are full of different coloured flowers.Even during the dull summer months flowers like gulmohar and amaltas add colour to the streets. There are many flowers in my garden.I love to smell them and touch their soft petals.I never pluck them - mummy says it is wrong to do so .Go with Green First, let`s talk about the importance of green plants. Green plants, through the photosynthesis turn solar energy into bio-energy? And environment to constitute the organic matter of the plant. The green plant is the foundation of energy transformation and material circulation of the earth biosphere and it is the direct source of materials and energy needed in the existence and development of human beings and other living things. Therefore, to maintain the each ecosystem, improve the living environment of human beings and guarantee the continuous development of the earth. We should conserve the natural green plants and make them reasonable. The reduction of the green plant deteriorates the environment, causes mere drought, storms, and serious soil erosion and make the greenhouse effect a mere serious problem. Protecting the green plant has been one of the common, concerns over the world. The tragedies cased by the destruction of the forest are not rarely seen, now and before. The plain of Mesopotamia once conceived the brilliant Babylon cult we in ancient times. Garden of Eden in the myth was a good illustration of this paradise on the earth, but it became a barren land because of the early, inhabitants reckless destruction of the forests in the air with the virus, lower the thick degree of harmful to leave regulate people`s promote the blood circulation, improve myocardial function, urge the human body metabolism, and in crease the immunity function, now each hospital may be full. If the green plant has not a certain reflective wave produces a function that lower a strength, now maybe many are living in a silent world. The plant has not only these functions above but can restrict headwaters while raining and keep the water and soil. Through the evaporation function it can increase the humidity in the air which is beneficial for the rainfall. Some green plants for example, forest can still obviously lower the wind velocity and make the farm crop evaporate to reduce slow, the degree of humidity in crease, and improve the small weather of farmland, and validate to prevent farm crop from suffering the sandstorm, dry bane, ground to resist the farmland to suffer the desert invade to swallow. The forest also is the habitat of many creatures, especially the rare animals. They are indispensable in the maintenance of the equilibrium of the ecosystem. Besides, green plant has the important meaning in the beautifying environment protecting and improving city environment. The above are common sense, as senior high school students, we definitely know them, how about us? We, however, did not treat them kindly, how can we forget the flood in the year of 1998? Didn`t we discover that it was the revenge on mankind for this selfishness! Can`t you remain indifferent to the denudation? If you think I`m talking dogma, but please think it over, in severed years, when you find your descendants take pains to obtain enough air and water, what will you feel? Then you begin to regret isn`t it too late? Wow, the deserts are swallowing human`s "rice bowls"--Isn`t it frightening? Isn`t the global soil erosion just like human "blood" drained to the sea? The lands are desert zed, "rice bowls" sweltered, "blood" drained can human beings still survive on the earth? Can human civilization continue? Will the history of mankind be ruined in our hand? Are we willing to be condemned throughout the ages? The answer is "no" "absolutely no", we can`t let the tragedy occur, we will continue to keep the ecological balance, to plant trees to make the earth more beautiful. Tianshan Middle School
直接在百度打上 有关于植物的作文就行了!!!
仙人掌 六年级 | 状物 | 589字 仙人掌的样子十分的普通,全身碧绿一片。它是由很多小小的刺,包围着绿色身体的植物。它没有牡丹的富贵,没有菊花的清高,也没有水仙的天生丽质……它虽不如众花们那样娇艳,但它还是依旧那样保持着自己独一无二的品质。 仙人掌不像温室里的花朵那样娇气,它不需要人们的特别照料便能茁壮成长。 仙人掌不仅耐旱,而且生命力极强。即使折断了一两根枝,也不会影响它的生长。如果你也有兴趣养养,非常简单,只要把折断的枝插在泥土里,它照样可以发芽、生长、开花。特别是冬天,仙人掌不畏严寒。当北风怒吼时,它仍然全身披绿,在风中傲然屹立,仿如立手边疆的战士。 我并不怎么喜欢养些花花草草,妈妈也是,就唯独爸爸喜欢养一下花和果树什么的。从我上小学的时候身边就已经“围绕”着一些花草,因此才对大自然如此的亲近。就只有那一株不怎么起眼的仙人掌是爸爸从市场里买回来的。仙人掌它的生命力十分的顽强,它不像别的花那样“娇弱”,经过风吹雨打后,就会通通死掉,而仙人掌却毫不动摇,还是那么绿,那么坚强。 每当冬天来临,寒风袭来,花儿们都抵抗不住风儿的“袭击”,失去自己原本的美丽与光泽。而仙人掌一直有力的挺拔在那里,正因为这一点,我才喜欢仙人掌,因为它坚强、毫不动摇、坚持…… 仙人掌,凭借着自己顽强的生命力干旱的沙漠中生长着,与风沙和沙尘暴做着抗争,它虽那么的丑陋、不起眼……但却有惊人的生命力。它的坚持不懈、顽强生命力值得我们学习!

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