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厨房英语是kitchen,具体释义如下:读音:[?k?t??n]表达意思:厨房;一套厨具;<非正式>管弦乐队中的打击乐器组;(语言)不标准的,俚俗的词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:Magic Kitchen 魔幻厨房 ; 片 ; 魔幻庖厨 ; 魔法厨房例句:1、Moira shuffled across the kitchen. 莫伊拉拖着脚走过了厨房。2、The kitchen on the boat is minute. 小船上的厨房小极了。3、She liked to potter in the kitchen. 她喜欢在厨房中磨蹭度日。



问题一:厨房用英语怎么写 kitchen 问题二:厨房英语怎么说? kitchen 问题三:厨房的英文 kitchen 英[?k?t??n] 美[?k?t??n] n. 厨房; 厨师; [网络] 庖厨; 厨房,灶间; 厨房; [例句]The house has a spacious kitchen and dining area. 这座房子有一个宽敞的厨房和用餐区。 [其他] 复数:kitchens 形近词: witched bitchin hitcher 希望能帮到你 :) 问题四:厨房用英语怎么写? kitchen 问题五:厨房用英语怎么拼 kitchen 问题六:厨房用英语怎么说 kitchen: [ kit??in ] n. 厨房 例句与用法 1. They usually eat their breakfast in the kitchen. 他们通常在厨房吃早饭。 2. I was cooking in the kitchen when the telephone rang. 电话铃响的时候我正在厨房里做饭。 3. I guess there are mice in the kitchen. 我猜想厨房里有老鼠。 4. There is a two-burner stove in the kitchen. 厨房里有一个两个火眼的煤气炉。 5. Some kitchen gadgets are more of a hindrance than a help. 有些小炊具非但没有用处反而碍事。 6. I have to mop the kitchen floor at least once a day. 我每天至少要把厨房地板擦洗一次。 7. She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife. 她拿菜刀捅伤了他的腿. 问题七:厨房用英语怎么写 kitchen 问题八:在厨房里做饭的英文怎么写? cook in the kichen 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck! 问题九:厨房的英语怎么写 [词典] kitchen; diet-kitchen; cuisine; cook house; [电影] The Naked Kitchen; [名] galley; cookroom; 问题十:厨房用英语怎么写? kitchen


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