
flat ; apartment ; lodging house 共3个- -



  公寓式住宅最早是舶来品,相对于独院独户的别墅,更为经济实用。下面我为大家带来公寓的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   公寓的英语意思   flat;   apartment;   lodging house;   公寓的英语例句   我们被这所公寓的精致的室内装潢设计吸引。   We are fascinated by the delicate interior design of the apartment.   他住在维多利亚公寓。   He lives in Victoria Mansions.   公寓在一座公寓楼里。   An apartment is in an apartment building.   他们的新公寓有三间卧室而且新公寓很大。   Their new apartment has three bedrooms and is very big.   你们现在有没有公寓要出租啊?4。我想租一间小套房或是一房一厅的公寓。   I want to rent a flatlet or a apartment with one bedroom and one living room.   不过,该楼盘可不缺买家。开发商表示,在这个英国最贵公寓楼盘的总计86户公寓中,有50多户已名花有主,其中90%的买家来自海外。   Ninety per cent of the buyers are from abroad.   较旧公寓而言,我的新公寓环境好多了。   My new apartment is a wele change in contrast to my old one.   这些公寓是最豪华的公寓。   These apartments are the last word in luxury.   他长期租用该公寓。   He has the flat on a long lease.   公寓的双语例句   1. Gerome tried to talk her into taking an apartment in Paris.   杰罗姆试图说服她在巴黎买一套公寓。   2. They had put a padlock on the door of his flat.   他们已经在他的公寓门上上了把挂锁。   3. "She has a large flat in Mayfair." — "Just so."   “她在梅费尔有个大公寓。”——“正是。”   4. We talk in her Belgrade flat, full of heavy old brown furniture.   我们在她位于贝尔格莱德的公寓里进行了交谈,那屋里满是结实的老式棕色家俱。   5. Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats.   很遗憾,我们不得不让住户挤在这些狭小的公寓里。   6. Stevens wrote him a note asking him to e to his apartment.   史蒂文斯给他写了张便条,请他去自己的公寓。   7. I moved on round the big house to reach my pad.   我绕过大房子走向我的公寓。   8. The high and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.   20世纪60年代建造的高低不一的公寓楼群正在逐渐破损坍塌。   9. It started a fire in a block of flats.   大火是从一幢公寓大楼烧起的。   10. I wanted to spend Sundays holed up together in our flat.   我希望可以一起窝在我们的公寓里度过每个周日。   11. I live on my own in a studio flat.   我自己住在一个单间公寓里。   12. It would never do to have Henry there in her apartment.   亨利呆在她的公寓里怎么也不合适。   13. Fresh prints of both girls were found in the flat.   在公寓里发现了两个女孩不久前留下的指纹。   14. The monthly rent for a two-bedroom flat would be £953.33.   双卧室的公寓每月房租是953.33英镑。   15. Visited Park West. Viewed a flat, no. 76. Which I like.   去了中央公园西路,一套公寓,76号,我很喜欢。



flatapartmentapartment househousinglodging house
apartment budding
Apartment来自appartire, ap-=ad-=to+part(部分),原义是分成几个部分,在英国指公寓的一个房间,在美国指一套房间FLat [英]一套房间,通常指包括起居室,卧室,浴室,厨房等公寓房间
apartment flat
你说的是mansion吧.mansion的意思是大厦, 官邸, 公寓(用复数,用于专有名词中)高级公寓 superior apartment service flat



你好,英式英语 flat美式英语 apartment望采纳。
1. guest is calling to say help me a bucket of water 2. $182838us to ask him how much money 3. the room is not clean clean 4. give your guests a time for cleaner used to say 5. the light has gone out to another 6. your room number is a number 7. the guest complaints generally. 8. how to handle guest complaints

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