1,急求问 可是牌 总经理室 项目经理室 财务部 工程部 综合部 的英文怎么


急求问 可是牌 总经理室 项目经理室 财务部 工程部 综合部 的英文怎么


accountant [美] [??kaunt?nt] [英] [??kaunt?nt] 名词 (pl. accountants) 会计师;会计人员



Financial Department:F.D.或者Financial Affairs Department:F.A.D
缩写是fd吧怎么都写financial department啊没看清题目问缩写吗
Finance departmentFinance section



拜托用“Ministry”这个词的时候慎重点,这个词实在太大了,除非你在说国务院的部委,比如:外交部,经贸部。 其实根据楼主的意思,应该用“department”。 供销外贸部 Trade Department (注意:international这个“国际”的词,可不要随便给人家加上去) 至于后面的“室”怎么翻译,前面几位的分歧也很大,用“Room”和“Office“的两大派,其实区别就是:用“Office”较正规些,用“Room”随便些,实际上也有不翻译的,只有当英译汉时才加译。简洁才美,一目了然。比如: 开票室 Billing Service 接待室 Reception 综合办公室 General Office (这是习惯用法,Office不要省) 监控室 Monitoring Room 值班室 Duty Room 信息中心 Information Center 副总经理室 Vice Manager (Office 可加可省) 会议室201 Conference Room 201 储存室 Storage room 财务档案室 Finance Archives Room 财务科 Finance Section 总助办公室 General Manager Assistant (这个Office应省,否则太长,太罗唆了) 档案室 Archives Room 根据我现在工作的美国政府部门,给出上述参考例子。 要注重人家的习惯用法,别自己任意编造出笑话。lz的分数给谁都不重要,重要是牌子挂出去应正确,绝对没有毛病。 注:前面还有拼写错的。比如,Muniment,这是个什么怪物?


Financial DepartmentEngineering Department
account/finance department财务部向委员会提供数字。 the finance department supply the committee with the figures. 董事长依靠财务部提供销售情况。 the chairman rely on the finance department for information on sale. 她从财务部一职位上退下。 she retired from her position in the account department. 财务部为股东准备了一份财务报表。 the account department have prepare a financial statement for the shareholder. 请允许我介绍一下刘小姐,财务部会计主任。 allow me to introduce miss liu,chief accountant of the finance department. 我们正在为我们的新财务部寻找另外的办公地方。 we are looking for extra office space for our new account department. 因为我在财务部,所以每一个人领多少,我清楚的很。 i know exactly how much everyone gets because i am in the accounting department. 她在财务部门管六个女孩。 she supervise six girls in the account department. 我同他们的财务部门已争论了数星期,最后我写信给财务处长,他挥动了他的摩杖,结果那问题在一小时内就解决了。 i had been arguing with their accounts department for weeks until i wrote to the financial director,who waved his magic wand and got the matter resolved in an hour. “克莱斯勒处境艰难,”西尔森·理曼[财务公司]的一位汽车分析师菲利比说。“今后四年该公司推出的每一种新车都必须成功。” "chrysler is walking a tightrope,"says joe phillippi,an auto analyst with shearson lehman."every one of its new products introduced over the next for years has to be successful."


门卫室:security room 吸烟室:smoking room 配电房:power supply room 公司办公区:working area in company 财务室:accoutant room 会议室:conference room 接待区A:reception A 接待区B:reception B 家具展示厅:funiture display hall 厂部办公室:office of workshop 沙发车间:sofa workshop 配件库:spares garage 板材库:materials garage 木工车间:carpenter workshop 漆工车间:painter workshop
Gate guard room, smoking room, switching house, company office district, financial room, conference room, reception area A, reception area B, furniture demonstration hall, plant headquarters office, sofa workshop, fitting storehouse, board materials storehouse, Carpenter shop, painter workshop
Guard Room、Smoking Room、Eletricity Distribution Room、Company Working Area、Finance Room、Conference Room、Reception Area A、Reception Area B、Furniture Showroom、Factory Office、Sofa Workshop、Accessories Garage、Material Garage、Carpentry Workshop、Painting Workshop
accessories warehouse 配件库
The gate guard room, the smoking room, the switching house, company office district, the financial room, the conference room, reception area A, reception area B, the furniture demonstrated the hall, the plant headquarters office, the sofa workshop, the fitting storehouse, the board materials storehouse, the carpenter shop, the painter workshop ask the master to help the translation translation, thanks everybody!

文章TAG:财务室英文  急求问  可是牌  总经理室  项目经理室  财务部  工程部  综合部  的英文怎么  